[arch-announce] flashplugin x86_64 package dropped
Ionuț Mircea Bîru wrote: The flashplugin has a [critical vulnerability][1] in version which is fixed in Unfortunately, Adobe released this version for i686 only and the [x86_64 port was discontinued][2] leaving the x86_64 package vulnerable. Because of that, we cannot build an updated version for x86_64. While we considered pulling the x86_64 package from our repositories, for now we will leave it up to our users to remove it or keep it installed. We suggest using alternative options for running flash-based software on x86_64 systems or using the flashblock extension for firefox. [1]: http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb10-14.html [2]: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html URL: http://www.archlinux.org/news/flashplugin-x86_64-package-dropped/
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