Hey all, We discussed shutting down flyspray during the DevOps meeting. The plan is to migrate all open issues to Gitlab and close them on Flyspray with a comment to the newly created Gitlab issue. All closed bugs will be archived and will most likely become available on https://bugs-old.archlinux.org/ Before we start a migration, we need some time to write a migration script. We would really appreciate it if all packagers can verify if their open bugs are still valid, can be fixed or closed. All packagers (previously known as TU) have been granted access to the Arch Linux project so can assign/close and resolve issues. As of writing we have: Arch Linux: 1072 open tasks Community: 851 open tasks On Gitlab, packagers will get auto-assigned on issues for packages they are the maintainer of in Archweb (https://archlinux.org/devel). A bot will periodically scan issues and automatically assign them. We are also looking into creating a generic global issue template for features/bugs. The bot will also set an “unconfirmed” label to new issues so bug wranglers and packagers alike can see and filter whether a bug has already been reproduced. Migrating the issues to Gitlab implies that we will open Gitlab issues for everyone. There is no timeline set yet for the migration, the main blocker is writing a migration script for our open issues. Greetings, Jelle van der Waa
Hi, El jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 22:48:21 (CEST) Jelle van der Waa escribió:
Does this mean bugs are no longer going to be triaged by a human bug wrangler before reaching the packagers?
Jun 2, 2023 21:21:18 Antonio Rojas <arojas@archlinux.org>:
No, we try to stick to the old triage and validation step as close as possible. But with the new structure virtually everyone belongs to all package projects, so it's not trivial to filter by default. Hence the "unconfirmed" label is there for exactly this reason: to be able to filter by for bug wranglers to triage unprocessed items. And also packagers only being interested in triaged issues to filter on a label as well. Cheers, Levente
participants (3)
Antonio Rojas
Jelle van der Waa
Levente Polyak