After a bit of research work and making sure one or two things have been properly packaged, I've developed a PKGBUILD which ensures that a system has the POSIX shell and utilities (XCU) section installed. I believe this is an interesting thing to track, and people will want to know they have it installed... in aid of this, I've gotten two major holdouts packaged a while back -- pax (thanks to dbermond) and ncompress. I'd like to add this package to community, although given it's never been in the AUR before, it's never had AUR votes... One of the advantages of having this metapackage is that someone can, while installing arch, `pacman -S posix-user-portability` and get essentially everything one would expect to have available on a unix-like platform, most notably, the interesting parts of the base group that no longer have an equivalent. i.e. man-db, vi, patch, diffutils, ed. I've only included XCU for now, because the system interfaces and headers are a bit out of scope for me to package and replace in the event that they'd be missing anything... and also because I'm mainly interested in the POSIX toolset itself. That being said, I'd certainly be open to suggested improvements, should anyone have recommendations for expanding the scope. Thoughts? For reference, here is my PKGBUILD: And reproduced here: # Maintainer: Eli Schwartz <> # The list of utilities can be found at # # Not all utilities are required: if the synopsis is boxed up and annotated # with a code, it is only needed for that code. Examples: user portability, # XSI, Software Development, C Development. Some of these groups were # implemented here too, though almost certainly the only important ones are UP # and XSI. pkgbase=posix pkgname=('posix' 'posix-xsi' 'posix-user-portability' 'posix-c-development' 'posix-software-development') pkgver=2017 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="metapackage providing the POSIX shell and utilities (XCU)" arch=('any') url="" depends=('at' # at batch 'awk' 'coreutils' # basename cat chgrp chmod chown cksum comm cp csplit cut date dd df dirname # du echo env expand expr false fold head id join ln logname ls mkdir mkfifo # mv nice nohup od paste pathchk pr printf pwd rm rmdir sleep sort split stty # tail tee test touch tr true tsort tty uname unexpand uniq unlink wc who 'bc' 'diffutils' # cmp diff 'cronie' # crontab 'ed' 'file' 'findutils' # find xargs 'glibc' # gencat getconf iconv locale localedef 'grep' 'util-linux' # kill logger mesg newgrp renice write 'cups' # lp -- sorry! 'm4' 's-nail' # mailx 'man-db' # man 'patch' 'pax' 'procps-ng' # ps 'sed' 'sh' 'binutils' # strings 'ncurses' # tabs tput # 'time' # is a shell builtin too 'sharutils' # uudecode uuencode ) package_posix() { : } package_posix-xsi() { pkgdesc+=": X/Open System Interfaces" depends=('posix' 'util-linux' # cal ipcrm ipcs kill 'ncompress' # compress 'coreutils' # df link nl od 'psmisc' # fuser 'procps-ng' # ps 'ncurses' # tabs 'gzip' # uncompress (but not compress...) zcat 'uucp' # uucp uustat uux # missing: cflow cxref # missing SCCS: admin delta get prs rmdel sact sccs unget val what ) install=xsi.install } package_posix-user-portability() { pkgdesc+=": User Portability Utilities" depends=('posix' 'vi' # ex vi 'util-linux' # more 'inetutils' # talk ) } package_posix-c-development() { pkgdesc+=": C-Language Development Utilities" depends=('posix' 'gcc' # c99 'flex' # lex 'bison' # yacc ) } package_posix-software-development() { pkgdesc+=": Software Development" depends=('posix' 'binutils' # ar nm strip 'ctags' 'make' ) } # xsi.install post_install() { cat << '__EOF__' warning: XSI compliance is not 100% complete, not all tools are packaged. - The SCCS development tools are not available, but may be obtained from the AUR in the event you believe anyone still uses it. - The cflow package can likewise be obtained from the AUR. - A cxref package may need to be created, if there are interested parties. __EOF__ } -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User