On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 09:04:40 +0900 Hiz Japan <hizdiez@gmail.com> wrote:
First of all, I am very appreciated and respecting your great contribute of the Official Arch Linux Install Guide. I am wornking on your "Official Arch Linux Install Guide" to translating Japanese language. and i have question/opinion about ....
the section Pacman explanation. it says:
Display specific not installed package info
# pacman --sync --info foo
# pacman -Si foo
Displays information on the not yet installed package foo (size, install date, build date, dependencies, conflicts, etc.)
I feel it is better say like this? because this explanation is not very clear what actually trying to explain and correctness .
Display specific package info from repository database
# pacman --sync --info foo
# pacman -Si foo
Display specific package information details foo from repository database . (size,* *, build date, dependencies, conflicts, etc.)
*pacman -Si also display package information which already installed.* *pacman -Si doesnt contain "install date". "install date" info contained by the command pacman -Qi* .
Best regard Hiz
Good point! Thanks for the idea. http://projects.archlinux.org/aif.git/commit/?h=experimental&id=0b4916b8b07c8f6de2f65d170854796ea86bee1a Dieter