2018-01-04 12:32 GMT+01:00 Bartłomiej Piotrowski via arch-dev-public < arch-dev-public@archlinux.org>:
On 2018-01-04 12:17, Balló György via arch-dev-public wrote:
The following packages should be kept too: - dvdauthor arojas: kdenlive fyan: kdenlive heftig: brasero jgc: brasero
The only two packages that really require it are unneeded orphans, so I don't see the point.
Now I adopted devede, so I need dvdauthor, but it's in [extra], so I can't adopt it.
- sofia-sip
heftig: empathy
Ditto. There is nothing special about unmaintained optdepends that are providing completely optional functionality.
In this case the telepathy-rakia optional dependency should be removed from empathy first, and then the telepathy-rakia and sofia-sip packages can be dropped. But I think it would better to keep the whole 'telepathy' group in the official repositories even if some of these packages are orphans. -- György Balló Trusted User