2008/5/9 Eric Belanger <belanger@astro.umontreal.ca>:
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Tobias Kieslich wrote:
- gtkglextmm and the depending sharpconstruct can be ditched entirely becuase sharpconstruct is dead (became a module in blender) and gtkglextmm was needed only for it
Roman has adopted sharpconstruct in the last round of adoption. I'll wait for his input before removing sharpconstruct from the repo.
Finally I got to this thread. Sorry for so loong time. Yep, I planned to maintain sharpconstruct at that time, because it seemed to be the only gtk2 application for 3D modelling. I knew it was dead but didn't know it became a plugin for Blender. I don't have much time for pkg maintaining yet, so I cannot so I think it would be ok to just drop it from Extra to Unsupported then (along with its dependency). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)