On 03.03.23 at 13:46 (UTC+0100), Balló György wrote:
Basically, anything related to the library itself should be included in a library package. A typical package should contain the followings:
- usr/lib/*.so* - the library itself with symlinks
- usr/include/* - any header files associated with the library
- usr/lib/girepository-1.0/*.typelib - the associated GObject Introspection data in binary format
- usr/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc - the associated pkg-config file
- usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/* - any associated Python bindings (can be in a separated python-* package)
- usr/share/gir-1.0/*.gir - the associated GObject Introspection data in XML format
- usr/share/gtk-doc/ - the associated API documentation (can be in a separated *-docs package if it's large)
- usr/share/man/man3/* - the related man pages describing the library functions
- usr/share/vala/vapi/* - the associated Vala API file
Executables, configuration files, data files, translations are usually not needed in a library package, except if the library itself using any of them directly.
I would like to point out that the split between boost and boost-libs is very weird with respect to the list above...