Andreas Radke wrote:
Am Sun, 23 Nov 2008 02:23:45 -0600 schrieb "Aaron Griffin" <>:
Pulled the new DB scripts to /arch-new - please ignore the error about add and del dirs until I update devtools 8)
[andyrtr@gerolde staging]$ tree . |-- core | |-- add | `-- del |-- extra | |-- add | | |-- firefox-3.0.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz | | |-- firefox-i18n-3.0.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz | | |-- nss-3.12.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz | | |-- sqlite3-3.6.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz | | `-- xulrunner- | `-- del `-- testing |-- add `-- del
9 directories, 5 files [andyrtr@gerolde staging]$ sh /arch-new/db-extra64 Updating DB for extra x86_64 -------------------------------------------------- It looks like you have an old staging dir The 'add' and 'del' dirs are no longer used. Please delete staging/<reponame>/{add,del} and ensure you are using the newest devtools -------------------------------------------------- /arch-new/db-update: line 93: [: too many arguments No packages to add Nothing to copy, no work done
Sure, Allan's fault but...
Well then, I will "provide" the fix. Just get rid of that offending if statement. And note that the if statement above this moves files to this offending directory.... I did not make a patch as I seem to remember Aaron saying he was dealing with all this directory layout stuff. Allan