Hi The current status of the package hfsutils v332 is really out-of-date compared to Apple sources [1] v589. Various GNU/Linux distributions approach this package in many different ways. - Debian still maintains it the outdated v332 [2] - Fedora uses a more recent version v540 [3] which doesn't provide anymore mkfs.hfs. A package from another source could create new filesystems. - Gentoo uses the same old version v332 [4] As I don't use this package anymore and I don't think a 10 years old package should live in the official repositories I plan to move hfsutils to the AUR. If someone has a better idea or wants to maintain hfsutils please let me know. If not I'll try to update hfsutils in the AUR to v540. [1]: https://opensource.apple.com/source/diskdev_cmds/diskdev_cmds-589/ [2]: https://packages.debian.org/sid/hfsprogs [3]: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/hfsplus-tools/blob/master/f/hfsplus-tools... [4]: https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-fs/diskdev_cmds -- Fabio Castelli aka Muflone