On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 10:42:05PM +0200, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
Hi as first step for the weekend it would be enough, to just cleanup current to the state core should be, means move everything to extra which isn't in core and move everything from extra to current which should be in core. then we can decide on what and how to do later, during the weekend. It would be probably a good idea to stop the rsync tasks in this time and post a news entry about this. greetings tpowa
Ok, if the first step is moving all the non-core package to extra and all the core packages to current, we can do that this weekend. After that is completed, we'll talk about the rest of it. I know there were lots of packages that have been commited and not tagged, so I suggest we figure out how to move over the 3 versions (CURRENT, CURRENT64, and HEAD) of the PKGBUILD and files before doing it en mass. Also, who will be doing it? Jason