On 9/3/07, Roman Kyrylych <roman.kyrylych@gmail.com> wrote:
2007/9/3, Alexander Baldeck <kth5@archlinuxppc.org>:
Hey all,
X.Org 7.3's release is about to happen in the next few days/weeks. For that reason I've built the latest xorg-server snapshot which is at version and most of the drivers and newly introduced packages.
A lot has changed, primarily in the area of driver ABI. For example nvidia is broken, it does build but xorg-server rejects it when starting up with an API mismatch error. Forcing it leads to hardlocks. I am using xf86-video-nv for now but this issue needs to be addressed.
I have no idea how well fglrx & unichrome-dri plays with the new server. So I'd like to hear about it.
Anyone wanting to take part in testing, should add this repo:
The PKGBUILs will soon be available with the same URL, just need to clean them up a bit.
I guess you didn't put it in Testing because nvidia/fglrx won't work with this version, but why not put it on ftp.archlinux.org and let it be mirrored? (like JGC did with Gnome 2.19)
Because we just worked so hard to clean this kind of thing up! Forcing mirrors to get things they don't want or need is just plain stupid. For the number of people that actually run testing packages, one server can handle the load. Huge -1 on putting it on the Arch FTP. -Dan