Am Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:03:28 +0300 schrieb "Roman Kyrylych" <>:
2007/10/3, Jan de Groot <>:
What about software snapshots? We currently use for those things for example. Should we also put these snapshots in the other directory? I've seen these things disappearing from homedirs because of cleanups (gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg source was gone after arjan was degraded/promoted to a normal user)
Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking about when replying in previous thread (sorry, didn't see that this new one was created). Let's keep homedirs as playground only, while moving used in PKGBUILDs to ftp/other.
A common source directory sounds good. Even better would be to host _all_ sources for every pkg release somewhere. Harddiscs got cheap and we could solve any possible GPL violence. Some other major distribution also do that. Andy