On 19 November 2010 07:26, Eric Bélanger <snowmaniscool@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de> wrote:
Maybe only I missed it: I just found that all my packages that used to pickup the "ChangeLog" file don't show anything in pacman -Qc!
It seems I missed the note in the NEWS file of pacmans 3.4.0 release. Just a heads up.
Is it worth the work to update the changelog at all? Any plans on integrating a Changelog to the packages website? Do we need some convention how to order and format the file?
[andyrtr@workstation64 tmp]$ find /var/lib/pacman/ | grep changelog | wc -l 48
Not many packages seem to use that feature.
I don't think it's worthwhile to add ChangeLog support to the website. Personnally, I've started to remove ChangeLog from my packages. Usually it's just upstream update plus when another dev rebuild/fix your package they forget or don't bother to update the ChangeLog. I'm not the only one doing that. I update the abs tree daily and there is a definite trend going on about removing ChangeLog from the repos.
The pacman package doesn't even have a ChangeLog. ;)
Ditto. I've tried to get into the habit a few times, but seeing changelogs with the last entry being made over a year ago does not help.