Hey, Quoting Baptiste Jonglez (2017-06-06 22:58:01)
Hi again,
Since a few years, I maintain a variant of the linux kernel in the AUR [1] that adds support for Multipath TCP [2]. The most recent version is based on linux 4.4, and the package I maintain tries to follow the "linux" package from [core] as much as possible.
There is no short- or medium-term perspective to merge Multipath TCP upstream, so I would like to bring this package to [community]. There are already several kernel variants in the official repos, but I would like to get some feedback before adding another one.
Thanks, Baptiste
[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linux-mptcp/ [2] http://www.multipath-tcp.org/
Personally I don't really think that having it in [community] would add that much, since it doesn't really seem to have /that/ many users compared to the other kernels. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't add it, just that I'm not sure how useful of an addition it would be.