On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de> wrote:
Am Tue, 28 Jun 2011 10:33:19 -0400 schrieb Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com>:
syslog-ng 3.2.4-2 is in [testing]. It's a rebuild with the following changes:
* add --enable-systemd flag to ./configure * add upstream patch to fix socket acitvation for systemd * package upstream syslog-ng.service
There should be zero impact for users still on sysvinit.
Signoff both, Dave
Maybe I missed some discussion but Arch way usually means to not add more additional features than what is required to support our repo packages. Since it's a core repo pkg this policy should be respected.
Any reason why you are adding systemd support that we don't officially support so far? This did come up in IRC and no one had any reasoning against there.
I see we have systemd in community now but wouldn't be the proper way to offer additional foo-systemd packages in community replacing the packages from core/extra where needed? This is an unnecessary duplication of effort in my opinion, and a
1. "zero impact", as Dave stated 2. He is willing to maintain this extra functionality 3. We shouldn't impede progress unnecessarily This isn't a push for a switch to systemd, the new guy is just trying to make life easier for everyone involved. This is like saying we shouldn't have added hooks in initscripts as we don't need them, only community projects do. source of pain as far as keeping versions in sync. It is the same as enabling features that can then be optdepends; it doesn't pull anything else onto your system but at least allows people to use a stock package rather than one of 20+ variants in the way too crowded AUR. -Dan