10 Jun
10 Jun
9:44 a.m.
Am 10.06.2011 11:43, schrieb Allan McRae:
On 10/06/11 19:34, Thomas Bächler wrote:
Am 10.06.2011 11:30, schrieb Allan McRae:
This ususally happens with gcc and c++ programs so it is not really a new thing.
It almost never happens with C programs though.
If you look at the output of "readelf -s /lib/libc.so.6" it happens every glibc release...
e.g. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=103820 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=103820
This is weird, the binaries I checked only required the GLIBC_2.7 and GLIBC_2.14 symbols.