On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:32:24 +0100 Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Hi all,
while looking at our devtools, other scripts we have written together and even PKGBUILDs, you will see as much different types of indention, bracing etc. as there are authors.
This always annoyed me and as I just watched Greg's talk at fosdem about committing kernel patches I'll go ahead and will start with devtools.
I would suggest to use this coding style:
* indent with tabs +1 * tabs have 8 characters
isn't the point of indentation with tabs just that everyone can choose the width of the representation for himself? unless you plan to use tabs for alignment, which i don't like. tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment imho.
* don't use more than 132 columns where does this number come from? * opening braces are top right, closing are bottom left: +1
function foo() { echo bar }
only for bash/C. for sh, leave out the 'function' part (it's a bashism)
* if and for statements are like this:
if true; then do something else do something else fi
for i in a b c; do echo $i done
fine by me
* use single quotes if a string does not parseable content
We could also talk about using `` or $(); source vs. .; $foo vs. ${bar} etc.. But that's probably too much.
source is a bashism. '.' is sh, but source is easier to grep for, so i suggest to use 'source' when the script is bash and you're pretty sure it will stay bash. '.' otherwise. ${bar} should only be used when it's needed. Dieter