On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:15 AM, Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Dienstag, 9. März 2010 22:39:57 schrieb Allan McRae:
So... are people happy with me compressing the upcoming toolchain rebuild with xz? There are no versioned deps between pacman or any of its deps and the toolchain. That means the initial upgrade to pacman when upgrading a system will not be affected by this. If that ever changes, I will switch back.
I just downloaded the 2008.06 iso and could successfully issue an -Syu. (I have now added pacman-mirrorlist to the packages that should be kept in gz format)
I also tried a iso from 2007 but that kernel glibc wasn't compatible. But such an old setup could only be updated from a newer live cd anyway.
In other words: the current solutions ensures that there is still a smooth update path for systems that haven't seen an -Syu for about two years. I really don't think we should worry here.
Awesome- thanks for looking into this, Pierre. -Dan