On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 2:44 AM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Eric Belanger <belanger@astro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
On Mon, 26 May 2008, Thayer Williams wrote:
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Eric Belanger <belanger@astro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
There are still several devs who haven't answered yet. This is a gentle reminder.
I'm just looking through the list now and I see some programs that, at least in my opinion we should drop if nobody is actively maintaining them: azureus, dvdbackup, handbrake, nicotine, and d4x. All of these are pretty fringe apps except for maybe azureus, which is just plain slow and buggy (or was the last time I used it).
I don't know much about the deps/makedeps, but if any of them are tied to the other fringe apps we should look at removing them entirely as well...just my two cents of course. I admit though I was a bit surprised to see we had 4267 packages in extra--even if half of those are x86_64 that's a still a shedload of maintenance.
I don't think these fringe apps have a lot of depends specific to them. If so, we'll remove them when we'll remove the apps. Currently, I want to focus on the depends for stuff that we want to keep. When the list will be smaller, I'll update it with the current orphans in the dashboard. There might be other orphaned fringes apps or packages we want to keep not in the wiki list.
Also, I've noticed that some packages got orphaned when we updated the web site: sudo, abs, exiv2, initscripts, etc. Check if it happened to your packages. Otherwise, I'll add them to the wiki list when I'll update it.
You sure that's not just the testing repo? At the very least I know abs == travis and initscripts == thomas, correct?
Definitely not testing - I did lose ABS as a maintainer. Re-adopted.