27 Aug
27 Aug
1:50 a.m.
There are several orphan packages I'd like to maintain, currently in [extra]. python-imaging gqview htop multitail catdoc fortune-mod Of these python-imaging is probably the most serious. Lots of packages depend on it, but these all are in community. Two packages in extra optdep it: hplip and asymtote. You can see the list of required-by and opt-required-by with expac -S '%n %E %o ' | egrep ' (pil|python-imaging) ' | \ cut -d ' ' -f 1 | xargs expac -S '%n %r' Htop might also be a little presumptuous to ask for, but no harm trying. And of course if any dev wants to take these, you may certainly do so in my place. -Kyle http://kmkeen.com