12 Jan
12 Jan
6:01 p.m.
Am Sun, 11 Jan 2009 13:42:24 -0500 schrieb "Eric BĂ©langer" <snowmaniscool@gmail.com>:
And the extra -> community makedependencies appear as missing since community was not considered :
xosd --> 'xmms' flac --> 'xmms'
The makedepends is to build plugins. It was brought up on the ML before and no-one objected. I maintain xmms in community so I could easily bring it back in extra. With a usage of 16.34 %, I would say it has a place in extra.
xmms would pull gtk that we wanted to drop from extra. just a small question: will the new makepkg with split support allow to us to build for several repos(e.g. libs to core and documentation to extra)? -Andy