Le vendredi 15 février 2013 13:07:01 Jan de Groot a écrit :
At this moment our Mesa package is a mess. It contains several split packages, some even just containing one file. Most of these packages depend on eachother, so other than "let's make it look like Debian" I don't see a big need for splitups anymore.
The initial splitup was *-dri due to its size, libgl due to nvidia-utils replacing it and mesa for the rest of the package. I would propse a different structure: one single mesa package which doesn't ship libGL.so.1 and libGL.so symlinks. These symlinks should be removed from other packages as well and should get placed in post_install/post_upgrade. In case of nvidia-utils and catalyst it should replace them, in case of mesa it should only place them if they don't exist or point to nonexistent files. On post_remove the symlinks should get removed in case they link to nonexistent files (mesa) or reverted to libGL.so from mesa if that is still installed (nvidia, catalyst).
This should make the PKGBUILD a lot more readable and should improve our situation with (make)dependencies at the cost of some extra driver/library/header bloatware that gets installed in case you need libGL for something. An additional downside of this implementation is that namcap doesn't know where libGL.so.1 comes from, resulting in "depends on uninstalled dependency libGL.so.1".
What do other developers think about this approach?
Perhaps we could merge: - mesa, khrplatform-devel - libglapi, libgl, libgles - libgbm, libegl