When I broke our projects.archlinux.org vhost, I noticed that cloning git via http:// takes ages. This could be vastly improved by running a regular cronjob to 'git gc' all /srv/projects/git repositories. It would also speed up cloning/pulling via git://, as the "remote: compressing objects" stage will be much less work on the server. Are there any objections against setting this up?
I'm not so familiar with git internals on the git server, but it sounds reasonable to me what you said. Even the documentation of "git gc" says: "Users are encouraged to run this task on a regular basis within each repository to maintain good disk space utilization and good operating performance." So, I say +1 from my (not-so-familiar-git) side. Daniel -- GRATIS für alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT! Jetzt freischalten unter http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/maxdome01