On Friday 12 June 2009 09:22:14 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Am Freitag 12 Juni 2009 01:09:02 schrieb Pierre Schmitz:
I should be able to provide an update script by tomorrow.
I have added two possible optios to the wiki: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:Splitting_KDE#Update_path
The script is quite evil and might break a lot. So any ideas are more than welcome.
The problem in general: * Files have been moved arround (e.g. icons are in a separate package) -> a normal update results in file conflicts * Some packages have been replaced by groups of the same name (e.g. kdeedu is now a group)
I just got a brilliant idea: Let pacman handle all these. So I added a set of packages which will make the transition from our current KDE package to the splitted one really smooth. As a side effect they can be used by people who want to keep the current "monster" packages. By using those meta packages possible new packages will automatically installed on major updates. Another bonus is that we don't need to recompile third party packages which depend on certain KDE modules right now. (e.g. k3b, yakuake...) See the self generating PKGBUILD at http://repos.archlinux.org/viewvc.cgi/kde- meta/kde-unstable/PKGBUILD?view=markup I'll put that into kde-unstable soon. Let's see if that really works. -- Pierre Schmitz Clemens-August-Straße 76 53115 Bonn Telefon 0228 9716608 Mobil 0160 95269831 Jabber pierre@jabber.archlinux.de WWW http://www.archlinux.de