2008/3/1, Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org>:
Pierre Schmitz schrieb:
Am Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2008 20:50:56 schrieb Alexander Baldeck:
+ echo ":: ATTENTION!" + echo ":: Since xorg-server version hal support has" + echo ":: been enabled. By default keyboard layouts and variants" + echo ":: will now be overridden by hal. Please modfiy" + echo "::" + echo ":: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/11-xkeyboard.fdi"
Do you have some additional information why this change was made? This sound quite confusing to me. Is there no way to keep xorg.conf controlling which keyboard layout is set?
Just a quick note: With the new xorg-server, I cannot get a de layout anymore: hal overrides xorg.conf (as stated in Xorg.0.log) and hal completely ignores the settings in the fdi file, it always gives me a us layout. I am using the extra/xorg-server version again now.
Could everyone who experience this problem please try what is proposed here: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/9563#comment25506 (I'm unable to test this because hal doesn't override xorg.conf on my system). -- Roman Kyrylych (Роман Кирилич)