On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Gaetan Bisson <bisson@archlinux.org> wrote:
You can always have each Java runtime provide a different file, and include all of them in each Java service file using
EnvironmentFile=-/path/to/java/runtime/number/one EnvironmentFile=-/path/to/java/runtime/number/two
You can also pass a wildcard expression, avoiding hardcoding several files, maybe like this: EnvironmentFile=-/etc/java-runtime.d/* EnvironmentFile=-/etc/java-runtime Needs testing, but could allow the user to set a default runtime via symlink. Alternatively, just EnvironmentFile=/etc/java-runtime and create this symlink at post_install of every java-runtime, if it doesn't exist already. To be tidy, post_remove then deletes the file if java-runtime.d doesn't exist anymore.