Hi, Perl 5.26, as any other new perl version, requires all modules that are not purely perl code to be rebuilt. We did that for all packages in our repos. For a list of upstream changes please refer to `man perldelta`[1]. [1] https://metacpan.org/pod/release/XSAWYERX/perl-5.26.0/pod/perldelta.pod Please note that the current directory (".") is no longer included by default at the end of the module search path (@INC). This may have widespread implications for the building, testing and installing of modules, and for the execution of scripts. See the section "Removal of the current directory (".") from @INC" in `man perldelta` for the full details. Since our users probably installed some from AUR or with CPANPLUS::Dist::Arch, I wrote a script[2] that generates a local rebuild list. To use it you will also need this[3]. Note that: - some modules simply don't support being loaded directly (Irssi, SVN::_Core, Tk::Entry among others) so also run the test (`perl -M$module -e1`) manually before reporting. - site_perl overrides vendor_perl so if you fix an error for a module in site_perl you have to run the script again afterwards. [2] https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/bin/plain/find-broken-perl-packages.s... [3] https://git.server-speed.net/users/flo/bin/plain/module-to-dist.pl Binaries linking with libperl.so will also need to be rebuilt. You can use lddd from devtools to find those. Please report any issue you encounter. Florian