"S2TC is a patent-free S3TC compatible implementation and provides texture compression to Mesa. The package also includes tools to compress/decompress S2TC textures and convert S3TC textures to S2TC ones using the patent-free algorithm." Plan is to add these packages in community/multilib. These packages are patent free S3TC implementation instead of libtxc_dxtn. These are already part of Ubuntu and Debian. There was a bug with etqw/quake4 that i've just fixed, so currently it's pretty bug-free. These packages are not filling requirement, but are essential for games, as these usually need S3TC support. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libtxc_dxtn_s2tc https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lib32-libtxc_dxtn_s2tc S2TC on github: https://github.com/divVerent/s2tc Regards, Laurent Carlier