On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 1:23 AM Giancarlo Razzolini < grazzolini@archlinux.org> wrote:
Em novembro 22, 2017 17:24 Jan Alexander Steffens via arch-dev-public escreveu:
After seeing bug 54977[1] I've been investigating where our /etc/mime.types comes from, and it's apparently from Gentoo[2] and hasn't been updated since Oct 2012.
I was not aware we had such old mime.types file. By the way, this .jpe bug always intrigued me, but no to the point of chasing it down.
I would like to propose replacing mime-types with mailcap from Fedora[3], which is still maintained; it fixes the above bug. It also provides /etc/nginx/mime.types (conflicts with upstream NGINX, but defines many
types) and /etc/mailcap (not used by anything we have?).
Thoughts? Objections? Should we also use the mailcap NGINX mime.types?
I'm not sure if NGINX mime.types has anything that is required for it to function properly. I can look into this, but if it doesn't, then both me and Bartłomiej, can strip upstream's on our respective packages. How does fedora handles it?
AFAICT Fedora ships the NGINX mime.types in a separate package that's part of a dep chain involving the rest of NGINX. I already have packages ready that remove the mime.types and add a dependency on mailcap.