On 02/02/2022 17:32, Evangelos Foutras via arch-dev-public wrote:
I'm not fond of the hidden all-caps filename for editable sources (whereas it's fine for .BUILDINFO and friends). More importantly though, has integration with [1] been considered? The best way to implement automatic version checking in Arch is to use existing infrastructure if possible. 🐱
I agree with foutrelis, rather have in lowercase, and preferably not hidden. On the subject of support plugins and / or scripts would something like the below be OK? ``` [intellij-idea-ua-eap] source = "cmd" cmd = "curl -s --location --header \"Accept: application/rdf+xml\" https://www.jetbrains.com/updates/updates.xml | xmllint --xpath \"string(/products/product[@name='IntelliJ IDEA']/channel[@status='release' or @status!='eap']/build/@fullNumber)\" -" ``` Packages required: curl, libxml2 -- Leonidas Spyropoulos PGP: 59E43E106B247368