On 02/13/2018 06:56 PM, Baptiste Jonglez wrote:
Eli and I disagree about how dependency conflicts should be handled when packaging. This was prompted by the libxfont dependency conflict arising from recent xorgproto changes [1].
Is there a reason you took a private disagreement to the public mailing lists: - regarding which you have confused me for the primary person disagreeing with you - when in fact there are three people who directly disagree with you on that very issue, as I told you in that private discussion - regarding which this public post seems to essentially exist in order to, I dunno, shame me into responding in view of the world at large, again despite my not being the only or indeed the primary person who you are actually disagreeing with? I would like to register my formal objection to your treating this as a personal disagreement between the two of us. I explained why this was not an "Eli Schwartz thinks so" thing in that private email -- you disliked my explanation and asked for more proof, while *simultanously* CC'ing arch-dev-public with claims about how I "and possibly others" disagree with you. You did not give me a chance to respond to your new question before CC'ing arch-dev-public. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User