[2020-01-06 23:11:57 +0100] Sven-Hendrik Haase via arch-dev-public:
Every news post needs to have a corresponding draft submitted to arch-dev-public and wait for feedback for at least 24 hours unless: 1. it is urgent (and would be too late after 24 hours) 2. it is a simple --overwrite rule, or 3. there are strong reasons for the team member posting the draft to believe that it should not be visible to the public before it is announced. In this third case, the draft should be submitted to the staff@lists.archlinux.org ML instead.
That sounds great, Sven, thank you. I would however propose to remove rule 2. Mostly because I don't like exceptions and also because we should try our best to keep the number of such announcements to a minimum. Cheers. -- Gaetan