On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
Hi all,
There has been talk about what is needed/wanted for the future of devtools and db-scripts but not much done lately. So I thought I would get together a list of ideas so we could perhaps do a coding sprint to implement them. Here is what I have got so far:
devtools - split-PKGBUILDs with (supported in future pacman): -> both binary and arch=any packages -> overridden pkgver -> overridden pkgrel (and only selected sub-packages) - support for xz compression (nothing needed?)
db-scripts - support for xz compression transition (e.g. in clean-up script) - support for single "package" directory with symlinks to repos - allow db-move to handle multiple packages (or add a script to help moving from community-testing) - delta support...
Any others?
I am more than willing to work on the package pooling part of the db-scripts code, I just need to find the time.
And I agree with Thomas that the compression stuff should be made more generic.
The following branch contains some initial work: http://code.phraktured.net/cgit.cgi/dbscripts/log/?h=working * Merged Daniel's patch * Removed the testing2* scripts * Added package pool support to db-update The rest of the scripts still need support for the whole pooling thing, but here's a starting point. Please critique, it's not all that much: http://code.phraktured.net/cgit.cgi/dbscripts/commit/?h=working&id=5dc5fc0dff1632f834ac11d3bfcef87a512b1096 db-move and db-remove need adjusting, and then the cleanup scripts.