Things we don't truly need, AFAIK: * gerolde: all of /srv/ftp/archive/pkgs * gerolde: /srv/ftp/iso and /srv/ftp/archive/iso What is our policy on this stuff? Nostalgic, sure, but usable or necessary? We have all sorts of full and base images, scsi-specific, etc. but outside of keeping arch-0.1 do we really want to appear like we care about previous releases? * gerolde: /srv/cvs * sigurd: Unfortunately not a lot here to kill, and our disk is hovering in that 85% range. * sigurd: /srv/cvs Pierre, can we adjust CLEANUP_KEEP down to 30? That is still a lot of time and would at least reduce the burden of space of some frequently updated packages. These are all suggestions, I am not opposed to keeping things if people have a valid reason. But this might also make any backup picture a bit more clear and give us more room and leeway to package some bigger things which seems to be the trend lately. -Dan