On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Dan McGee<dpmcgee@gmail.com> wrote:
What the heck is going on?
I spent a good hour or two rebuilding the vim plugins for the correct location when vim first went into [testing] a few months ago, and with this new vim in testing, they are once again *all* broken. This is unacceptable as far as I am concerned. If I'm the only one that thinks so, I'll quiet down a bit, but I am getting awfully frustrated with this.
If we move plugin locations or distro install locations, *all* packages dependent on this location need to be rebuilt. I even made it 10 times easier to do so by putting the path in a shell script variable!
dmcgee@galway /etc $ pacman -Sl testing | grep 'vim-' testing vim-a 2.18-3 testing vim-bufexplorer 7.2.2-2 testing vim-buftabs 0.13-1 testing vim-colorsamplerpack 6.0-2 testing vim-doxygentoolkit 0.2.4-1 testing vim-guicolorscheme 1.2-1 testing vim-matchit 1.13.2-1 testing vim-minibufexpl 6.3.2-5 testing vim-omnicppcomplete 0.4.1-2 testing vim-project 1.4.1-3 testing vim-taglist 45-2 testing vim-vcscommand 29-2 testing vim-workspace 1.0b1-3
Good catch - I wasn't aware of this, as I keep my plugins in my home dir these days. Next time the vim plugin path changes, can we make sure to rebuild all plugins as well? If help is needed, send an email to the list.