Tuomo Valkonen schrieb:
The package "ion3-darcs" [1] on AUR is infringing on the Ion3 trademark. It is not Ion3 anymore, as it modifies the installed program in such a manner (by applying the Xft patch), that it can not be considered the original product anymore, but a competing one. The package must be renamed so that it can not be confused with Ion3(tm), or the Ion project. If this is not done, there may be legal repercurssions.
[1]: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=10622
This thread has just been brought to my attention and I am posting this to the tur and arch development mailing list. I suggest that we drop the modified ion version from AUR. I also strongly suggest that we remove ALL ion-related packages from AUR and official repos, as well as all other packages that have been released by the author. Arch always tries to provide the best and latest for its users. In doing so, we cannot afford getting sued. So if a package author THREATENS us, then there is no place for his/her software in our distribution and the only possible response is to not provide it any more, no matter how good it is. I am really disappointed that people have to resort to these kinds of actions, and I am sorry that I feel obligated to the proper reactions.