Hi all, I'd like to update our servers this weekend. Does anybody want to join? Especially the python -> pathon2 transition scares me so I am in need of someone familiar with python and the custom scripts we use (our django website, repo-read etc.) I'll list the packages to be upgraded on each server so please have a look and tell me if you'd expect any other problems. Maybe someone wants to update the xen kernel stuff while we are at it. At least the openssl update is security related. pierre@gerolde ~ % pacman -Qu abs apr-util 1.3.9-4 bash 4.1.007-1 bash-completion 1.2-1 binutils 2.20.1-3 bzip2 1.0.5-5 coreutils 8.5-2 ctags 5.8-1 curl 7.21.1-1 db 4.8.26-2 dialog 1.1_20100428-1 django 1.2.3-1 elfutils 0.148-1 fakeroot 1.14.4-2 file 5.04-2 filesystem 2010.07-1 findutils 4.4.2-2 freetype2 2.4.2-1 gawk 3.1.8-1 gcc 4.5.1-1 gcc-libs 4.5.1-1 gdb 7.2-1 git glib2 2.24.2-1 glibc 2.12.1-1 gpm 1.20.6-5 grep 2.6.3-1 gzip 1.4-1 heimdal 1.3.3-1 initscripts 2010.07-1 iotop 0.4.1-1 iproute2 2.6.35-3 jfsutils 1.1.14-1 kernel26 less 436-1 libarchive 2.8.4-1 libevent 1.4.14b-1 libldap 2.4.22-1 libmysqlclient 5.1.50-1 libpng 1.4.3-1 libsasl 2.1.23-4 libtool 2.2.10-3 libusb 0.1.12-4 libxml2 2.7.7-1 libxslt 1.1.26-1 lighttpd 1.4.28-2 linux-firmware 20100807-1 logrotate 3.7.8-1 lsof 4.83-1 lzo2 2.03-1 man-db 2.5.7-1 man-pages 3.26-1 mlocate 0.22.4-2 mpfr 3.0.0-2 mysql-clients 5.1.50-1 mysql-python 1.2.3c1-2 nano 2.2.5-1 ncurses 5.7-3 openssl 1.0.0.a-3 pam 1.1.1-1 pcre 8.10-1 perl 5.12.1-2 postfix 2.7.1-1 postgresql-libs 8.4.4-5 procps 3.2.8-1 python 2.6.5-3 python-memcached 1.45-1 python-pip 0.8.1-1 python-south 0.7.2-2 python-virtualenv 1.4.9-1 readline 6.1.002-1 screen 4.0.3-8 sed 4.2.1-2 sqlite3 3.7.2-1 subversion 1.6.9-5 sysvinit 2.86-5 tar 1.23-3 texinfo 4.13a-4 tzdata 2010l-1 udev 162-1 usbutils 0.90-1 vim 7.3.3-1 vim-runtime 7.3.3-1 which 2.20-3 xdelta 1.1.4-2 xinetd 2.3.14-5 xz 4.999.9beta_174_g41bc-1 pierre@gerolde ~ % pacman -Qm joe 3.7-2 postfix-policyd-spf-perl 2.007-1 setuptools 0.6c11-2 webalizer 2.21-2 pierre@gudrun ~ % pacman -Qu apache 2.2.16-1 apr-util 1.3.9-4 bash 4.1.007-1 bash-completion 1.2-1 binutils 2.20.1-3 bzip2 1.0.5-5 coreutils 8.5-2 curl 7.21.1-1 db 4.8.26-2 dialog 1.1_20100428-1 django 1.2.3-1 elfutils 0.148-1 file 5.04-2 filesystem 2010.07-1 findutils 4.4.2-2 freetype2 2.4.2-1 gawk 3.1.8-1 gcc-libs 4.5.1-1 git glib2 2.24.2-1 glibc 2.12.1-1 gpm 1.20.6-5 grep 2.6.3-1 gzip 1.4-1 heimdal 1.3.3-1 initscripts 2010.07-1 iotop 0.4.1-1 jfsutils 1.1.14-1 kernel26 less 436-1 libarchive 2.8.4-1 libevent 1.4.14b-1 libldap 2.4.22-1 libmemcached 0.43-1 libmysqlclient 5.1.50-1 libpng 1.4.3-1 libsasl 2.1.23-4 libtasn1 2.6-1 libtool 2.2.10-3 libusb 0.1.12-4 libxml2 2.7.7-1 linux-firmware 20100807-1 logrotate 3.7.8-1 lsof 4.83-1 lzo2 2.03-1 mailman 2.1.11-2 man-db 2.5.7-1 man-pages 3.26-1 mlocate 0.22.4-2 mod_wsgi 3.2-1 mysql 5.1.50-1 mysql-clients 5.1.50-1 mysql-python 1.2.3c1-2 nano 2.2.5-1 ncurses 5.7-3 openssl 1.0.0.a-3 pam 1.1.1-1 patch 2.6.1-1 pcre 8.10-1 perl 5.12.1-2 php 5.3.3-1 php-apc 3.1.4-1 php-cgi 5.3.3-1 php-mcrypt 5.3.3-1 postfix 2.7.1-1 postgresql-libs 8.4.4-5 procps 3.2.8-1 python 2.6.5-3 python-flup 1.0.2-1 python-memcached 1.45-1 python-south 0.7.2-2 readline 6.1.002-1 screen 4.0.3-8 sed 4.2.1-2 sqlite3 3.7.2-1 subversion 1.6.9-5 sysvinit 2.86-5 tar 1.23-3 texinfo 4.13a-4 tzdata 2010l-1 udev 162-1 usbutils 0.90-1 vim 7.3.3-1 vim-runtime 7.3.3-1 which 2.20-3 xinetd 2.3.14-5 xz 4.999.9beta_174_g41bc-1 pierre@gudrun ~ % pacman -Qm db4.5 4.5.20-2 joe 3.7-2 python24 2.4.6-3 setuptools 0.6c11-2 -- Pierre Schmitz, https://users.archlinux.de/~pierre