On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 22:16:43 +0100, Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de> wrote:
Am Wed, 10 Nov 2010 22:03:33 +0100 schrieb Pierre Schmitz <pierre@archlinux.de>:
I'd prefer to only have candidates for core/extra in testing. Especially if it should stay there for months. Therefore please go with an unstable repo. Having these packages in testing makes it less attractive/usable for users and more important any rebuilds that cover xfce packages will be a pain.
There won't be RCs. Just pre1-pre3 and then the final release.
By candidates I meant packages that you also would have moved directly to core/extra; not what upstream calls rcs.
Xfce has mainly deps to gtk2/glib and itself not to one of the .so bumping known libs. I don't expect a lib .so bump until the release.
You cannot know what happens till January. And its still a prerelease that is not meant for every day use I guess. I don't think such package should go to testing. Not breaking testing on purpose was e.g. the point of introducing staging. Don't get me wrong, it's nice you'd like to provide such packages, but if you just need a place to put them into don't abuse testing and just create a dedicated repo...it's not that hard and we could remove it next year when done. -- Pierre Schmitz, https://users.archlinux.de/~pierre