On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote:
On 09.04.2012 15:29, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 1:21 AM, Rashif Ray Rahman <schiv@archlinux.org> wrote:
On 9 April 2012 01:39, Thomas Dziedzic <gostrc@gmail.com> wrote:
To introduce the tool for everyone, burp is an aur uploader written by falconindy. burp @ the aur: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=37216
I currently utilized burp in a script called repotoaur for devtools and have yet to submit the script to devtools. The patch that introduces it is at https://gist.github.com/2339399 Repotoaur's purpose is to make it easy to move packages from the supported repos to the aur by introducing 2 commands to devtools called community2aur and extra2aur.
In order for repotoaur to get included into devtools, burp will need to be in [extra]. Since bringing an AUR uploader into the supported repos is a grey area, I would like to start a discussion on the appropriateness of bringing in burp.
My opinion is that it would be fine since all it is, is an aur package uploader and nothing more. What do you guys think?
Why not just introduce the same functionality to dbscripts? That way we have no grey, white or red area to hop between. We can have both an import and export operation to bring in and drop packages from and to AUR.
I guess this could be an option. But it would feel awkward if implemented this way. db-scripts afaik is mainly to deal directly with the pacman db and my script doesn't do that. In fact, my script is partially copied and inspired from crossrepomove in the devtools which is why I think it belongs there. The only reason I would say to include it into db-scripts would be to avoid this conversation entirely.
I don't see a problem with having an uploader in the repo. The reason we don't have a downloader is because it inevitably leads to people getting lazy, ignoring all warnings and simply building without checking.
Could you add a feature to automatically unnotify and orphan the uploaded package?
Unfortunately I don't see a good way of implementing it. I don't know of any scripts or tools that allows orphaning and unnotifying a package. It would most likely have to be a separate script and would probably reimplement most of burp but for orphaning and unnotifying. I don't think adding a feature to burp would be desirable either because it's *just* an aur uploader, and I like that :)
* db-drop, or db-remove --to-aur;
* db-adopt $aur_pkg $destination_repo (this would do the necessary addition to svn, packager can then check out the package as per usual)
I would like to avoid writing an adoption script for the aur that automatically moves aur pkgs to the supported repos because the quality of the pkg should be reviewed by a tu/dev before moving it since the aur has pkgs of varying quality.
+1. The "getting lazy" comment above also applies here. It might take longer until it happens, but I'm pretty sure it would happen at some point.
-- Florian Pritz