[2019-03-17 19:07:23 +0100] Bruno Pagani via arch-dev-public:
This is a follow-up on the last month discussion about a “minimal base system”.
Creating a new thread removed from the discussion we had a month ago just makes it so much harder for all of us to remember what everyone's arguments and counter-arguments were. Please do not do this. For my part, I thought we had reached consensus with Allan's message: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2019-February/029471.h... Summary: You propose what you want your new group to be (metapackage, list of dependencies, etc.) and we adopt this as the new base. If that is not satisfactory to you, please reply to that specific message and say why. That would have been far more constructive than your present message which rehashes some of the discussion we've already had and adds new questions I have no idea where you're going with.
From this discussion and parallel ones that happened on IRC,
Not everyone is awake all the time, which is why decisions are made on this very list, not on IRC. New arguments should have been posted to the previous thread.
Before going further on any proposal in those directions, I’ve thought it surely requires more input, and not only from the ~10 people at most that already participated in those discussions
It's probably safe to guess that people who haven't participated so far just aren't interesting in participating. Besides, I think you'd have more feedback and clear answers to a concrete proposal. Cheers. -- Gaetan