On 01/03/11 23:13, Dan McGee wrote:
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Eric Bélanger<snowmaniscool@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/3/1 Ángel Velásquez<angvp@archlinux.org>:
2011/2/28 Allan McRae<allan@archlinux.org>:
Upstream patchlevel bumps. There were the (fairly minor) bug fixes I was waiting for beofre moving bash-4.2 and readline-6.2 to [core].
Signoff both, Allan
Broke my system
I had to remount everything and downgrade manually (partitions wasn't mounting) and initscripts got broken
Another -1. I would recommand everyone to downgrade to the previous versions before rebooting or halting their systems. I had to boot from a live CD in order to downgrade them.
Any reason anyone didn't do this already? At least now they're no longer in [testing]. We have no reason to keep stuff like this in the repos for this long if it causes this many problems.
I had no computer access for the past few hours so have not gotten this fixed yet...
dan@gerolde ~ $ /arch/db-remove bash testing i686 ==> Removing bash from [testing]...
dan@gerolde ~ $ /arch/db-remove bash testing x86_64 ==> Removing bash from [testing]...
dan@gerolde ~ $ /arch/db-remove readline testing i686 ==> Removing readline from [testing]...
dan@gerolde ~ $ /arch/db-remove readline testing x86_64 ==> Removing readline from [testing]...
Well readline was not the issue at all, so that should go back... I'll deal with that when I upload a fixed bash. Allan