2023. 03. 3, péntek keltezéssel 12.29-kor Christian Hesse ezt írta:
Balló György <bgyorgy@archlinux.org> on Thu, 2023/03/02 20:27:
- Some missing dependencies (gobject-introspection, systemd, util- linux) are caused because the pkg-config files are packaged separately from the libraries. This shouldn't happen in our distribution, because we don't split development packages. pkg-config files and the related header files should be in the same package where the library is found.
For me splitting development packages (to not ship header files) and splitting library packages (to allow lighter dependencies for linked libraries) is something different...
Anyway, do we have any guide lines what a library package should contain? I have some of them. :-p
Basically, anything related to the library itself should be included in a library package. A typical package should contain the followings: - usr/lib/*.so* - the library itself with symlinks - usr/include/* - any header files associated with the library - usr/lib/girepository-1.0/*.typelib - the associated GObject Introspection data in binary format - usr/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc - the associated pkg-config file - usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/* - any associated Python bindings (can be in a separated python-* package) - usr/share/gir-1.0/*.gir - the associated GObject Introspection data in XML format - usr/share/gtk-doc/ - the associated API documentation (can be in a separated *-docs package if it's large) - usr/share/man/man3/* - the related man pages describing the library functions - usr/share/vala/vapi/* - the associated Vala API file Executables, configuration files, data files, translations are usually not needed in a library package, except if the library itself using any of them directly. So, let's talk about your packages. :) It would be enough to move the following additional stuff to the associated library packages: - systemd -> systemd-libs: usr/include/* usr/lib/pkgconfig/* usr/share/man/man3/* - util-linux -> util-linux-libs: usr/include/* usr/lib/pkgconfig/* usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/* usr/share/man/man3/* -- Balló György Package Maintainer / Trusted User