Andreas Radke schrieb:
Nouveau upgrade path was broken for me. It printed out to the screen something like "module 'nouveau' not found" while building the new initrd. It's not in the pacman.log.
I'm using early kms mode. This probably happens because the new nouveau module is not yet present when the kernel is updated and new initrd is built.
Maybe we should start to rebuild the initrd from nouveau post.update because we recommend early kms mode anyway whenever possible?
After reboot kms wasn't enabled. I did pacman -S kernel26 again and this time it picked up the module into the initrd.
That is to be expected, as nouveau depends on kernel26. I have asked Dan a while ago if we can have "delayed post_install", such that certain tasks can be queued for the end, after ALL packages have been upgraded. No idea what he responded, but it is the only clean way to solve this.