On April 18, 2018 11:53:01 AM GMT+02:00, Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste@bitsofnetworks.org> wrote:
Does anyone have experience with unit tests for python packages? It's really useful to spot missing runtime dependencies, but it's a pain to get to work.
Here is what I saw:
1) just running "python -m unittest discover" or "nosetests" or equivalent in the check() function does not work, because the package is not yet installed (so all imports will fail)
2) setuptools is supposed to have a unittest integration such that "python setup.py test" should work out of the box, but in my case it never finds any tests to run
3) I've seen some more... "creative" solutions :) https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packa...
So far, the only working solution I found is playing with PYTHONPATH:
cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/tests" export PYTHONPATH="$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/src" python -m unittest discover
But it's a hack, and it probably won't work with things like 2to3.
Any better ideas? Baptiste
If you use a build function there shouldn't be any problems like 2to3 while running tests, everything should be converted / build and generated for the use of tests. For certain upstream test setups there won't be much you can do other then PYTHONPATH but as mentioned with a build function it should always work. You can give python-pytest-runner a go, it does proper resolution while running "python setup.py test" but requires certain ways the whole test suites are wired. Cheers Levente