Hi all, Recently I have less and less spare time, and keeping packages related to the AWS ecosystem becomes harder as AWS is a fast moving target. I'm looking forward to co-maintainers for the following packages: python-aiobotocore python-aws-sam-translator python-aws-xray-sdk python-cfn-lint python-moto python-pynamodb Below are my packages used by packages above. Feel free to also adopt them: python-aioitertools (dependency of python-aiobotocore) python-django-fake-model (dependency of python-aws-xray-sdk) python-jschema-to-python (dependency of python-cfn-lint) python-jsondiff (dependency of python-moto) python-junit-xml (dependency of python-cfn-lint) python-nose-random (dependency of python-jsondiff) python-pg8000 (dependency of python-testing.postgresql, python-aws-xray-sdk) python-pytest-env (dependency of python-aws-sam-translator and python-pynamodb) python-sarif-om (dependency of python-cfn-lint) python-scramp (dependency of python-pg8000) python-sshpubkeys (dependency of python-moto) python-sure (dependency of python-moto) python-testing.common.database (dependency of python-testing.postgresql) python-testing.postgresql (dependency of python-aws-xray-sdk) Please reply or ping me on IRC if you adopted something, thanks! Cheers, Chih-Hsuan Yen