On 17/03/2019 23.13, Gaetan Bisson via arch-dev-public wrote:
[2019-03-17 19:07:23 +0100] Bruno Pagani via arch-dev-public:
This is a follow-up on the last month discussion about a “minimal base system”.
Creating a new thread removed from the discussion we had a month ago just makes it so much harder for all of us to remember what everyone's arguments and counter-arguments were. Please do not do this. For my part, I thought we had reached consensus with Allan's message:
I asked Bruno to start another round as previous thread is way too long for people who missed the party to catch up.
Summary: You propose what you want your new group to be (metapackage, list of dependencies, etc.) and we adopt this as the new base.
If that is not satisfactory to you, please reply to that specific message and say why. That would have been far more constructive than your present message which rehashes some of the discussion we've already had and adds new questions I have no idea where you're going with.
The previous discussion doesn't answer (or even if it does, I don't care to re-read it at this point) if the idea behind the new metapackage is to be implicit dependency of all packages or just optional thing like base group always was. Currently maintainers either put actual dependencies into depends=(), including glibc if something dynamically links to libc.so or assume that base is group expected to be present on every installation, which I wholeheartedly disagree with, because I can just instead use Slackware if I weren't caring about dependency system. Bartłomiej