On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 21:09 -0400, Eric BĂ©langer wrote:
When the intel-legacy package was introduced, the newest intel drivers weren't working for some Intel cards like mine. There were lots of artifacts that were making X practically unusable. I tried the xf86-video-intel package but it just freeze the system. I'll try the i810 driver later.
i810 is even older and will never actually compile. I got the legacy driver to compile yesterday, but it hangs up completely. This Q35 system is forced to use the legacy driver, as this system doesn't like UXA, and so doesn't work with xf86-video-intel. Not with KMS, not without KMS. The framebuffer console itself works and switches to the correct mode, but the screen stays blank when starting up X. Switching back to console still works though.