Just because I had to look up the details of this.... - xorgproto replaces a lot of packages, including fontsproto: :: Replace fontsproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n] - libxfont requires fontsproto, so this causes the following: :: libxfont: removing fontsproto breaks dependency 'fontsproto>=2.1.3' - people with systems older than 2016-11-16, may have libxfont as xorg-server depended on it until that time. Now xorg-server depends on libxfont2. - libxfont2 does not replace libxfont, as it is a completely different API. - libxfont was removed from the Arch repos somewhere in April or May 2017. So nothing official depends on libxfont. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect people to run "pacman -Qi libxfont", see it was installed as a dependency and no package depends on it and remove it. There also does not seem to be a correct way of us to handle this - joys of rolling release! Funny thing... people using yaourt probably removed this package as I believe it highlights dependencies that are no longer needed after an upgrade! A