2016-08-06 20:00 GMT+02:00 Rémy Oudompheng <remyoudompheng@gmail.com>:
2016-08-05 8:38 GMT+02:00 Jan Alexander Steffens via arch-dev-public <arch-dev-public@archlinux.org>:
On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:45 AM Rémy Oudompheng < arch-dev-public@archlinux.org> wrote:
I have published new TeXLive packages for the 2016 release in [testing]. The structure of the packages has been left unchanged (e.g. no introduction of pacman hooks).
I noticed that there's an mktexlsr hook now, but texlive-bin still runs it post_install and post_upgrade.
Perhaps you should add "Target = usr/bin/mktexlsr" to the hook? Then it will run after texlive-bin install and upgrade, too.
Also, please keep the output of the hooks clear—only errors should be reported. For the mktexlsr script, remove the echo and the -v flag from rm in the mktexlsr script. Perhaps the commands it calls also need to be quieted (via arguments or redirects), but don't do so if it suppresses all errors, too. The font map hook needs a similar treatment.
Thanks for your work on TeXLive!
It seems that texlive-bin was mistakenly pushed to [extra] following the poppler rebuild.
I need to push all the other packages to [extra] because quite a number of users are broken now.
Done. I have also removed verbosity in the hooks. They is still an install script for texlive-bin and texlive-core because rebuilding the formats file has a dependency on the hooks being run. I need more work to move the format files to a framework like the "maps" files, so that they are also managed by hooks (it will also remove potential warnings and instabilities during install/upgrades). Rémy.