9 Oct
9 Oct
1:45 p.m.
Am Sat, 9 Oct 2010 09:55:43 +0200 schrieb Andreas Radke <a.radke@arcor.de>:
I'm working on the new MESA release today. Please don't -Syu until all 3D drivers have been rebuild properly. If you have trouble with your card catch me in out IRC channels.
So far no ddx driver rebuild seems required. I'm running the new MESA on my Ati X200m(R300) notebook with the new gallium driver. It renders well (was broken since KMS+classic mesa useage) but very slowly. Maybe we can imrove this. My desktop is running Nouveau and Supertuxkart is fast and really usable now. A big step forward. Please test the all driver. Usually even a minor libdrm bump breaks the drivers. Give feedback. -Andy